Vhe veneti are reassured by the new coach coming on and the two consecutive home matches in three days.

Materdomini Volley.it’s week does not end happily; maybe due to the injuries occured before Catania and the long trip there, Pascual & Co. having to play the ex leader Isernia in the middle, did not have that much energy to face this match.

Bassano’s away match saw a Mater facing a home team wanting to make up for the past few days, after changing their coach 24 hours earlier, a revenge that came showing all their potential.
The yellow&blue were not able to get into the match at all, finding it hard to attack and not serving effectivley.
On the other hand, Shittu and friends digged really well not allowing for counter attack.
Also they did not have to play away in the past two rounds which certainly affected their performance.

This break comes at the right time and it will be used to get the energy back and find some continuity in training especially having to give up Rafa Pascual who has already flown to Japan to join their national team mates for the Olympics qualifying matches.
He will skip the next three championship matches and will be back on the 9th of december.

Ufficio Stampa
Pier Paolo Lorizio

Nella foto il campione spagnolo Rafa Pascual