M.Roma Volley: At the home Arena, M.Romna does not grant discounts to anyone. Also Acqua Paradiso Gabeca Montichiari loses 3-0 against Rome. The match is not a good one with a lot of mistakes, especially for Montichiari.
No story in the first set with Rome ahead 8-4 and Gabeca not able to react. Set closed in favour of Rome with the score 25-17.
In the second set big reaction for Montichiari. Not even the injury of the setter Suxho take out strengh of Montichiari. The set is fought until the end but once again Rome is able to play better in the crucial points and wins the set 26-24.
In the third set Rome play always a little better even if the match and the score are tight until the end. But Rome wins 25-23 with a great performance of Hernandez well served by Toffoli.