Abasan Bari: Another bad news for Abasan Bari. Setter Massimiliano Astolfi will probably stay out for the rest of the season because of the injury obtained during the warming up of the match against Sparkling Milano. Big prblems to his knee. “Nothing is going well lately” – coach Pino Lorizio said, – “to Massimiliano our best wishes by all the players and by the whole Club hoping that he will be back on the court as soon as possible. Despite this further bad news we will not surrender or give up but we will keep on fighting and believing in our possibilities of reaching the salvation. The boys reacted in a good way also because we don’t have ohter choices. Hopefully fortune will knock our door soon”.
In the meantime the team has played a friendly match against Salento D’Amare Taviano. the two teams played 4 sets and ended the match with the score of 2-2.
Coach Lorizio ha played with setter Daniel Coscione, Tomanoczy opposite, Valente and Joao Paulo middleblockers, Enoch and Battilotti spikers, and capitan Minafra libero, replacing Giacomo Viva.

ABASAN BARI – SALENTO D’AMARE TAVIANO 2-2 (23-25; 25-22; 30-28; 21-25)

ABASAN BARI: Coscione, Tomanoczy, Joao Paulo, Valente, Enoch, Battilotti, Minafra (L), Gallotta, Capra.
Coach: Lorizio.

SALENTO D’AMARE TAVIANO: De Giorgi, Zanette, Tomasetti, Lorenzi, Ereu, Trevisan, De Pandis (L), Liefke, Pàssaro, Carafa, Belardi.
Coach: Masciarelli

Referees: Nicola Castagna and Lorenzo De Pascale.

Roberto Colella, press office Abasan Bari
Cell. 329-7451774; e-mail: roberto.colella@barivolley.com