Itas Diatec Trentino:
Perugia, 3th February 2007

Itas Diatec Trentino won three times in PalaEvangelisti arena in Perugia.
Radamès Lattari is satisfied for the work of his players
From a statistical point of view, the team spiked better than its opponents; but also the block and defense phase were interesting.
Stefan Hübner was one of the main protagonist.
Radamès Lattari sees hos team growing up and showing the improvements “ Thi is a really important victory, the symbol of our sacrifice. An incredible determination and a perfect concentration.”
On Sunday, at PalaTrento arena Roma is going to be next opponent.
Bifore the match, one minute of silente to remember Filippo Raciti, the dead policeman working for the match Catania- Palermo. Perugia-Itas Diatec Trentino 1-3
(25-23, 23-25, 27-29, 31-33)
RPA-LUIGIBACCHI.IT: Di Franco 12, Sottile 1, Vujevic 16, Lebl 14, Stokr 19, Swiderski 10, Pippi (L); Braga, Bucaioni, Saraceni 6, Perez. N.e. Sanko. All. Emanuele Zanini.
ITAS DIATEC TRENTINO: Heller 14, Nascimento 19, Winiarski 18, Hübner 18, Meoni 2, Gallotta 8, Bari (L); Nemec, Mescoli. N.e. De Paola, Segnalini e Mlyakov. All. Radamès Lattari.
REFEREES: Zecchini from Vignola (Mo) and Giani from Piacenza.
SET DERATION: 27’, 26’, 32’, 35’; tot. 2h.
NOTES: 1350 spectators 11 blocks, 6 aces, 21 wrong services, 10 wrong spikes, 52% spiking, 81% (67%) receiving. Itas Diatec Trentino: 14 blocks, 5 aces, 19 wrong services, 9 wrong actions, 56% spiking, 72% (60%) receiving. Mvp Hübner.

In the photo Marco Trabalza

Trentino Volley S.p.A.
Press office

Francesco Segala
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