Agnelli Metalli Bergamo: Three aces by Novotny caused Bergamo’s loss. After two sets gained Sparkling Milano, the team won the third and during the fourth one, score 22-19, Mialno’s opposite showed all his abilities in service. Bergamo improved and it is satisfied for its last period work.
18th victory for Sparkling Milano

Agnelli Metalli Bergamo – Sparkling Volley Milano 1-3
(14-25; 23-25; 25-23; 22-25)
Set duration: 22’, 25’, 27’, 30’.
Referees: Gelati and Prandi from Mantova.
Agnelli Metalli Bergamo: Boroni S. 9, Boroni A. 4, Olli n.e., Gargano n.e., Gelasio (libero), Finazzi 9, Lafit 5, Burgsthlaer n.e., Bonetti 5, Gadnik 22, Yngerskog 2, Straolzini 1. Coach Cominetti.

Sparkling Volley Milano: Mengozzi 0, Novotny 23, Benito 12, Tabanelli (libero), Ioppi n.e., Casagrande n.e., Lundtang 0, Insalata 10, Spairani 15, Travica 4, Sirri n.e., Platenik 15. Coach Ricci.

Notes: spectators about 400 Aces: Bg 5; Mi 5. Wrong services: Bg 8; Mi 15. Blocks: Bg 8; Mi 13.

Sara Vavassori
Press office Agnelli Metalli Bergamo
cell. 3490847457