Abasan Bari:
SERIE A/2: Abasan Bari – EsseTi Carilo Loreto 1-3 (25-23; 21-25; 16-25; 22-25)

Abasan Bari is not able to give the last joy to the crowd of the Palazzetto dello Sport of Carbonara and surrenders 3-1 against Loreto. Coach Lorizio’s boys already relegated to serie B1 tried everything they can to honour the match, but at the end they lost against a stronger team that played with focus and determination. For Bari it is important to point out that the bad luck act again: Enoch and Battilotti have been out of the match for injuries.
Coach Lorizio started the match with setter Daniel Coscione, Tomanoczy opposite, middleblockers Valente and Joao Paulo, spikers Capra & Battilotti (replaced by Gallotta after 3 points), Minafra libero. Loreto answers with Visentin setter, opposite Rodrigues, middleblockers Tomalino & Mosterts, spikers Pistovic & Peda di banda, Pesenti libero.

(25-23; 21-25; 16-25; 22-25)

ABASAN BARI: Matheus n.e.; Joao Paulo 12, Enoch n.e., Valente 7, Viva n.e., Gallotta 5, Joosten 1, Capra 17, Coscione 1, Battilotti 1, Minafra (L), Tomanoczy 12.
Coach: Lorizio

ESSETI CARILO LORETO: Rodrigues 19, Tobaldi 1, Pesenti (L), Tomalino 5, Gatto n.e., Peda 19, Palharini, Visentin 3, Pistovic 10, Di Fino, Biagiola, Mosterts 15.
Coach: Moretti

Referees: Alessandro Zingoni and Silvia Vannucci

Sets lenght: 23’, 27’, 22’, 26
Total: 1h 38’.

Serve errors 12
Aces 3
Blocks 16

Serve errors 17
Aces 7
Blocks 11

Crowd: 150

Roberto Colella, press office Abasan Bari
Cell. 329-7451774; e-mail: roberto.colella@barivolley.com