Abasan Bari: Abasan Bari does not give up. Pino Lorizio’ boys did easilly beat Agnelli Metalli Bergamo and thanks to the defeats of the other directs contenders for avoid the relegation, is now only 6 points away from the fifth last position that means permanence in Serie A2 also for next season.
Finally a match without problems for Bari, that leaded the match since the beginning without granting any chance to the opponent: the result has always been in Bari’s hands. Enoch and teammates show that they still believe it even if the recovery is still long and difficult, but since tonight not impossible.
Without setter Astolfi, still out for an ankly injury, Pino Lorizio starts the match with setter Daniel Coscione, Tomanoczy opposite, middleblockers Valente & Joao Paulo, spikers Enoch and Battilotti, Viva libero. On the other side of the net coiach Cominetti answers with setter Olli, opposite Gadnik, middleblockers Finazzi & Burgsthaler, spikers Lafit & Sangalli and libero Gelasio.

ABASAN BARI – AGNELLI METALLI BERGAMO 3 – 0 (25-20; 25-22; 25-21)

ABASAN BARI: Enoch 15, Valente 8, Viva (libero), Gallotta, Marrone n.e., Capra n.e., Coscione 3, Battilotti 8, Minafra n.e., Joao Paulo 8, Tomanoczy 14.
Coach: Lorizio.

AGNELLI METALLI BERGAMO: Boroni S. 1, Boroni A. 2, Olli 8, Gargano n.e., Gelasio (libero), Finazzi 8, Lafit 6, Burgsthaler 5, Sangalli 3, Bonetti n.e., Gadnik 16, Yngerskog.
Coach: Cominetti.

Referees: Massimo Montanari and Francesco Puletti.

Crowd:: 250

Serves errors 8
Aces 0

Serve errors 4
Aces 5

Sets lengtht: 24’, 26’, 26’

Roberto Colella, press office Abasan Bari
Cell. 329-7451774; e-mail: roberto.colella@barivolley.com