Itas Diatec Trentino:
Trento, 27th February 2007

Itas Diatec Trentino won the19th Regular Season “Monday Night” and, thanks to the three points gained, is now at the 5th place in the standing.
Radamès Lattari’s team is in a good condition; service, block and defense were the weapons which allowed Trentino Volley to defeat Lube.
Hübner was one of the protagonists of the match together with Cosimo Gallotta.
Radamès Lattari is glad: “We managed to control the match with the right determination. The key of the game was the service. These three points are extremely important in this moment.”
A1 TIM Championship is going to stop for one week. Italian Cup final is going to be played between Bassano and Milano.

Itas Diatec Trentino-Lube Banca Marche Macerata 3-1
(25-16, 25-15, 26-28, 25-18)

ITAS DIATEC TRENTINO: Nemec 11, Nascimento 21, Winiarski 6, Hübner 17, Meoni 4, Gallotta 17, Bari (L); Mlyakov and Mescoli. N.e. De Paola, Segnalini and Leonardi. Coach. Radamès Lattari.

LUBE BANCA MARCHE MACERATA: Monopoli, Dennis 16, Geric 5, Miljkovic 19, Herpe 4, Rodrigao 6, Corsano (L); Paparoni 1, Bartoletti, Sintini, Raymaekers, Trimarchi. Coach. Ferdinando De Giorgi.

REFEREES: Saltalippi from Perugia and Achille from Roma.

SET DURATION: 23’, 24’, 29’, 25’; tot 1h e 41’.

NOTES: 3357 spectators, income 24.084 euros. Itas Diatec Trentino: 15 blocks, 9 aces, 18 wrong services, 9 wrong actions, 55% spiking phase, 71% (52%) receiving phase. Lube Banca Marche: 3 blocks, 2 aces, 16 wrong services, 11 wrong actions, 46% spiking phase, 61% (45%) receiving phase Best player: Hübner.

Marco Trabalz’s photo: Cosimo Gallotta’s spike

Trentino Volley S.p.A.
Press office

Francesco Segala
Tel 0461-829939, e-mail: