Bre Banca Lannutti Cuneo: Bre Banca Lannutti wins 3-1 (25-19, 25-20, 30-32, 31-29) against Itas Diatec Trentino and deliver great emotions to the 3.000 people present at the arena. Giba is once again at the end of the game MVP of the match.
Coach Prandi is very happy and declared: “We played against a great team and it has been a very high level match. I thought we could close the match on the 24-23 but Trento reacted amazingly well with a block and the match went on. I am happy for the debut of Manius Abbadi (Wijsmans still injured) that at the end of the match scored the 50% in attack. Lasko grew very well and Omrcen has shwon once again to be an amazing player.

Before the match there has been the award, given by the Consiglio Direttivo of Panathlon Club Cuneo, “FAIR PLAY 2006” delivered to Enzo Prandi for his carreer more than 40 years in the same Club!

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