Prisma Taranto: Promotion in A/1 is really close after the victory for 3-0 against Loreto and after the defeat of Crema against Gioia del colle. Next wednesday Taranto could celebrate with 4 matches in advance, the promotion in A1.

The very happy presiden Antonio Bongiovanni invites everyone to see the next match “I would like to see the arena sold out. All the city should partecipate”

The yesterday match had a great Schuil (19 points for him) well supported by Castellano (13 points). Loreto despite the good match had to surrender in the crucial moments to the more experienced Prisma that always knew what they wanted.

Taranto has always been ahead in the first 2 sets even if the second set has been very tight up to the 22-21.

In the third set the Marchigiani produced a good reaction (4-1, 8-6) but the gap was immidiately filled up by Schuill and his teammates that got a decisive break and win the match.