Agnelli Metalli Bergamo: last Anelli Metalli market strike is Alves Lafit De Almeida. Brazilian spiker born on 14/12/1971 in Brasilia. He played last year in Portugal with Club Martimo. Good passer and good spiker Lafit filled up Coach Cominetti team.
Preparation will start on the 18th of August at 5.00PM at the new Club office in Via Borgo Palazzo.
At the beginning of the preparation only Jacques Yoko and Alves Lafit and Simo-Pekka Olli will not be there because busy with their national teams.

Here after the players that will attend the first meeting:
Lorenzo Bonetti, Stefano Mossali, Matteo Daolio, Marco Gargano, Alessandro Boroni, Matteo Sangalli, Danilo Finazzi, Matteo Burgsthaler, Sergio Boroni, Andrea Gelasio.