Itas Diatec Trentino:
Borgo Valsugana (Tn), 10 November 2006

Itas Diatec Trentino wins 3-2 against Fiorese Spa Bassano, in the “A match to hope” event that sees more than 500 people watching the match.
The charity event gathered found to build hospitals in Salvador di Bahia and one in Kakamas, SouthAfrica.

Here after the match scores:

Itas Diatec Trentino – Fiorese Spa Bassano 3-2
(25-23, 24-26, 13-25, 25-22, 15-11)
ITAS DIATEC TRENTINO: Leonardi 6, Mlyakov 21, De Paola 14, Nemec 10, Meoni 2, Gallotta 9, Bari (L); Castellani, Mescoli; n.e. P. Ingrosso. Coach: Radamès Lattari.
FIORESE SPA: Carletti 4, Desiderio 13, Sabo 10, Moro 4, Dalla Libera 13, Guarise 11, Guidolin (L); Borsatto 9, Quiroga 3, Dal Molin 1; n.e. Osellame Coach: Dario Simoni.
REFEREES: Pozzato and Perricelli
SETS LENGHT: 21’, 23’, 18’, 23’, 13’; tot 1h e 38’.
NOTES: 500 people. Itas Diatec Trentino: 7 blocks, 5 aces, 25 serves errors, 13 point errors. Fiorese Spa: 16 blocks, 7 aces, 22 serves errors, 18 point errors.

Trentino Volley S.p.A.
Press Office

Francesco Segala
Tel 0461-829939, e-mail: