Premier Hotels Crema: “I have to make my compliments to everyone. To the team and to the technical staff for what they acheived on the court, but also to the Club for the right choises made” Vice-president Barbati said.

“It’s a great result, that we were not excepting at all and that we achieved with a budget lower than many other teams. Also a big thank you to our sponsors who believed in us.

What would you except from the play-off now?
“Play-off are always like another whole tournament, but we can definitely go and fight for the promotion in A1”

If the promotion will come how would you solve the Arena problem?

“I think that the Arena problem involved all the sport in Crema not only the Premiers Hotel. If we will get promoted we need to find a solution otherwise we will forced to leave Crema to play in another arena and this would be a very bad thing for the amazing Crema crowd.

Andrea Mombelli
Press Office Premier Hotels Reima Crema