Premier Hotels Crema: A great determination and an almost perfect performance by Crema ha been the key of the clear 3-0 victory against Corigliano.
Very good match for the whole team, who’s been able to also take advantage of the exit of the opposite player Perez, for injury. First set ended only at the advantages and closed by a Yoko ace.
Very clear the score of the second and third set: 25-20 and 25-22.
Coach Monti is satisfied, he gives the the compliments to the team, mature and able to tke advantace of the other team lack.
Good match for setter Travica, very good Egeste blocks (5 winning blocks for him) and Finazzi; still very good Cazzaniga (16 points for him and 4 aces) and Yoko; very good performance in passing for Caprotti and Jankovic..
The Premier, once again, showed to be able to keep up until the end, even if Pineto but most of all Gioia are climbing the positions from behind. But the 9 points advantage is a treasure that Monti’s boys will try to not waste.


Italian Time: 7:51 – 8 Mar 2006