Tonno Callipo Vibo Valentia: Stelio De Rocco: “the match was difficult and we knew it before the beginning. We had problems with our serves and they pass really well. Our attack has been very well stopped by their blocks. We were behind since the beginning in every set, third one apart, and we have neve been able to get into the game. All the boys did not play like they could or like they did against Latina. Now the mind is already sset for the match against Taranto scheduled on the 26th of December”

Setter Raphael: “During the week we worked well, but unfortunately we did not put in the court what we studied and worked on during the week. Congratulations to Trento that played a great match but we could have done a little more. Our weak point has been the serve and Trento played really well with its middleblockers.
Now we have to forget about the loss and think immidiately to Taranto, and to the match that it is very important and delicate. We have almost ten days to get ready for the match and for us it is very important!”

Carmen Maduli
Preess office