Itas Diatec Trentino: Itas Trentino Club has officially comunicated that they have refused the offer arrived from a Roman Managment team to buy the Itas Serie A1 copyrights.

Many people must be thanked for the decision. Sponsor ITAS Assicurazioni garanteed the sponsorship for other three years and will increase its investiment in the team.

The Provincia Autonoma of Trento, will keep sponsoring the team for other two years.
And other sponsors such as Banca Treno and Bolzano, Comune of Trento, Associazioni industriali of Trento,
newspaper Adige will give a great hand to help the team mantaining its projects.

Many thanks also to the amazing Itas Diatec crowd. People showed a great attachment to the team.

Also a big thank to the coach, the staff and the great athletes, able to be always professional even in the hard times.

Trento, 30 March 2006

Trentino Volley S.p.A.

For more informations:

Lanfranco Dallari, Marketing & Comunication Società Trentino Volley.
Tel 0461-421377, e-mail: