Mail Service Corigliano: Toni Kovacevic, new Volley Corigliano spiker, just won the silver medal at the recent European League with his national team that lost in the final against Holland.
He said:”It has been a very long tournament, we played three matches per week-end for six weeks in a row. At the end we were very tired especially because always the same 7 players were in the court. We are very happy for the silver medal just gained, it is a great result for me and for my teammates. It is the first medal that I win so I can only be happy. The day you win the medal you don’t realize very well what is going on but the morning after when you really realize what happend and what your teammates and you have then… well… then you feel truly happy for what you achieved!! When we went to Croazia it was awesome to see all the people congratulate us and cheer us. We are full of joy and pride!”
Talking about the Serie A2 championship that is about to start, Kovacevic confessed us that he is pretty tired at the moment and in need of some holiday. But in the same time he is ready for the new adventure assuring us that since the moment he will step foot in Italy he will focus only on the Serie A2 championship.
Kovacevic should arrive at the end of August in time for the friendly match scheduled on the 1st of September.

Johnny Fusca
Press Office Stampa Volley Corigliano