Prisma Taranto: After two months of great volley, Prisma is back at the PalaFiom in Taranto. The match of the 15th october seems so far away because the nineth round of the Serie A1 Tim has a new charming challenge ready. On Wednesday night at 8.30PM, Prisma Taranto will play against Cimone Modena.
PRISMA TARANTO – There is a big will of reaction after the six consecutive losses that Vincenzo Di Pinto boys obtained in their path. After the stop for worldchampionship stop another loss against Padova last week. The team will have all the players ready to fight for the victory.
CIMONE MODENA – The team coached by Bruno Bagnoli is in good shape. They won in Maribor,Slovenia, three matches out of three for the Top Teams Cup and got the access to the next round of the event. In the championship, they are in the seventh position of the standing together with Latina with 15 points. Last week they won 3-0 against Acqua Paradiso Gabeca Montichiari.
GLI ARBITRI – Marcello Cammera and Pantaleo Coppola.
PREVIOUS MATCHES – Six matches have been already played with 5 victories for Modena.

Angelo Loreto
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Prisma Taranto Volley