Tiscali Cagliari: Tiscali Cagliari’s boys will leave tomorrow to reach Loreto. Both teams want to win again after the last week victories obtained against Bergamo and Isernai. The last matches away from home for Cagliari against Spoleto and Pineto show that Tiscali can play very well even if away from home and the playoff are a pretty reachable target for the team.
Loreto should start the match with setter Visentin, opposite Rodrigues, middleblockers Tomalino and Mosterts, spikers Peda and Palharini, libero Pesenti.
A victory can give to Tiscali Cagliari the chance to reach quote 17 points that means more safety and the fact the the team will keep staying in the play off area.

Esse-Ti Carilo Loreto:
Rodrigues, Tobaldi, Pesenti, Tomalino, Gatto, Peda, Palharini, Visentin, Battilotti, Di Fino, Biagiola, Mosterts.
Coach: Luca Moretti.

Tiscali Cagliari:
Peric, Mascia, Sevillano, Burbello, Postiglioni, Francesconi, Fadda, Barbareschi, Batez, Scilì, Cristiano, Ardu.
Coach: Roberto Santilli.

Referees: Guerra and Fiore

Elisabetta Floris
Press Office Tiscali Cagliari