Monini Spoleto: Monini Marconi boys has given to the large number of people arrived at the Pala Rota, one of the best matches of the season, by defeating for 3-1 Lupi di S.Croce that came to Spoleto strong of their third position in the standing.
In the first set Spoleto starts well and goes 5-1 first and 8-2 after. Santa Croce fights back and reach 13-11. But once again is Spoleto to score an important break and goes ahead 18-12 and 19-15. Santa Croce does not give up and eventually reaches Spoleto in the score 21-21 and goes ahead 21-22.
The end of the set is really emotioning and at the end Monini wins 25-22.
Also in the second set the two team fights until the end point to point but at the end once again Spoleto is able to close the set in its favour with the score of 27-25.
Reaction in the third set for Santa Croce that wins it with the score of 25-21.
In the fourth set, once again the fight is on. 11-11, 18-15 and 18-17 show how balanced hte match is. But at the end Spoleto with the great performance of Perez is able to close the set 25-22 and wins the match with the score of 3-1.

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