Fiorese Bassano:
The best three middleblocker of last season will be in Bassano: last week also Julius Sabo signed the contract with Fiorese Bassano. The new setter Carletti will probably have some problems at the beginning to find the confidence with the middleblockers bt coach Simoni will have heaps of time to work on it.
Sabo confirmation came after the ones arrived from Dal Molin, Guarise, Guidolin and Borsatto together with Desiderio and together with the new arrivals Carletti and Quiroga. Also Dalla Libera should give his confirmation between today and tomorrow so the new Fiorese Spa Bassano is now really shaping up. Only three players are still missed: an opposite, a second setter and the fourth spiker.

Press Office
Bassano Volley
Mauro Sabino