Monini Spoleto: Monini Marconi Spoleto 2006-2007 has finally shaped up. Other new 4 players are officially part of the Club: opposites Chocholak and Romani and spikers Medenis and Gemmi. Gabriel Chocholak has a great experience in Italy: he played already six years in Italy: 2 years in Cagliarei, three in Forlì and one in Trento.
Romani played in serie B1 last year instead.
Spiker Ansis Medenis is 21 years old and 198cm tall. He played in his own county last year (Latvia) where he scored 480 points.
Lorenzo Gemmi arrives from Lube Macerata. He was born in 1985 and he is 199cm tall.
The Club will organize shortly a press conference to present the Team and the Managment.