Premier Hotels Crema: Managing Director Michele Rota and President Giovanbattista Percivaldi applaude the last victory of the blues in Cordigliano. The MD “Another perfect performance: we conquered another season record: the points reached by our team in A2, with still 7 matches to go….. The boys, the coaches, preparators Cerioli and Lamera, the medical staff with Alpiani, Della Frera and Tonini are doing a great job. Now a very important and delicate phase starts, we need to optimize the work done in the whole season. We can’t hide now and, even if we historically had walked in little steps, we know that our goal is to reach the play off with best possible standing. We can’t fake that the 9 points advantage we have on the 3rd positioned team is not a good advantage to handle. We will try with all our strengh: the boys are aware that they are playing an amazing season, and we all hope it will keep going as long as possible”.
President Percivadi gives credit to the group and to the techincal and medical staff: “The boys play the matches so the first thank you is for them and for the coaches; but also the medical staff, the scout-man, the managing staff are working in the same way. I feel like I have to ask to the city of Crema and to the public amministration to stay close to us, because this reality is continuosly growing, and the spaces are becoming too small.
I ask to all the supporters to fill up the arena every sunday, from here to end of the tournement, to support the boys during the final phase of the season: that’s where we will play for everything!”