Fiorese Bassano: Winning for the 5th consecutive time is not enogh for Bassano to garantee the access to the play off. Despite the victory the situation is not that easy: considering the other results, Bassano need to make at least one point in the very difficult last match in Castellana.
So it becomes a pitty the yesterday match because a 3-1 victory would have garanteed a spot in the play off and Basanno was ahead 2-1.
Among Bassano players is worth mentioning the great performance of Pagotto and Dalla Lbera. Good effort also for Kirchhein (top scorer with 28 points). A special mention for Daniele Desiderio: finally back after his injury he scored two points before leaving the court. He’s phisically fine but he still need a little rest.
Tecnically it is also important to say that Basanno passing was good (68%) as well as the defence. Serving was not good though: only 12 errors but very easy serves.

Press Office
Fiorese Spa Bassano
Mauro Sabino
Francesca Mengotti