Premier Hotels Crema: “It’s ture, Martino has been the man-match for Reima, but the team seen against SantaCroce is a real group, full or resources, concret and tenacious”.
This is what DS Michele Rota said at the tend of the match that has een Crema winning against Lupi Santa Croce.
“Luca Monti prepared the match at the vey best, as usual, and the boys did follow his suggestions perfectly. We knew that Torre would have insisted on the middleblokcers and for this reason we particulary look after Pagni and Corsin. I want also point out the great show offered by the crowd. Both supporters, Crema and Santa Croce, has given their very best. In particular I would like to thank Santa Croce supporters for the present they gave us and our Wild Kaos for never stopping to cheer our team and our boys.”