Modugno-Noicattaro Volley: Tie break cursed for Modugno-Noicattaro Volley, defeated yesterday at the Cagliari Arena. Mastrangelo boys after losing the first set, have been able to go ahead 2-1 but lost the fourth set and and the end, once gain, lost the tiebreak.
Once again bitter taste in the fith set for Modugno. With Cagliari, Mastrangelo boys has lost 4 tiebreaks out of 4 played. For Durante and teammates there is the confort of gaigning one point in a difficult court like Cagliari.

Modugno Noicattaro Volley:
Olteanu 15, Lamoise 14, Meriggioli 4, Durante 10, Nuzzo 16, Stangoni 9, Roganti (L), Santià, Giosa. N.e: Orel, Mirizzi.
Coach: Vincenzo Mastrangelo.

Serve errors 11
Aces: 1
Blocks: 12

Tiscali Cagliari:
Peric 11, Mascia, Sevillano 15, Postiglioni 12, Francesconi, Fadda, Barbareschi 15, Batez 14, Scilì 12, Ardu. N.e: Cristiano, Burbello.
Coach: Roberto Santilli.

Serve errors: 8
Blocks: 15

Referees: Valeriani Silvano and Costantini Sandro.

Parzials: 25-19 in 23’; 22-25 in 25’; 23-25 30’; 25-16 22’; 15-12 in 18’.

Antonio Rubino
Press Office Modugno-Noicattaro Volley