PRISMA: Vicini (L), De Palma, Valdir 1, Patriarca 9, Castellano 2, Nuti, Vulin 5, Felizardo 8, Granvorka 8, Anderson 22. N.e: Ricciardello, Pavan. Coach: Vincenzo Di Pinto.
SISLEY: Fei 24, Vermiglio 1, Papi 8, Farina (L), Ahmed, Gustavo 11, Tencati 8, Cisolla 17. N.e: Novotny, Kral, Ricci Petitoni. Coach: Daniele Bagnoli.
REFEREES: Giani and Zecchini.
NOTES: sets 14-25, 25-21, 19-25, 22-25. Sets length: 20’, 32’, 25’, 27’, tot 1h 44 min. Taranto: attacks 43%, blocks 6, aces 4,serves errors 15, passing 79% (perfect 65%). Treviso: attack 53%, blocks 15, aces 5, serves errors 16, passing 71% (perfect 59%). Crowd: 2000. Mvp of the match: Alessandro Fei (Sisley Treviso).

TARANTO – Prisma loses with Sisley in front of 2000 people.
First sset easilly won by Treviso with a great start. In the second set big reaction of Taranto that goes ahead 8-6 and 14-9. Treviso fights back but at the end Taranto is able to close the match in its favour.
In the third set Sisley gets back on track and goes ahead in the set straight away 7-11 and 9-15 the score. Nothing to do for Taranto. Thirs set won by Treviso.
In the fourth set it is still Treviso that goes in front and the score is 12-16 at the second time out.
Taranto does not give up and reach 16-17. But at the end Treviso wins the set and the match.

Angelo Loreto
Press Office
Prisma Taranto Volley