TONNO CALLIPO VIBO VALENTIA: Shittu 15, Cavallini Lorenzo, Bozidis, Vieira De Oliveira 2, Ferraro (L), Polidori 3, Diaz Mayorca 9, Polster 3, Piccioni, Bravo 6, Cicola (L). Coach: De Rocco Stelio.

CIMONE MODENA: Rak 7, Messana, Sartoretti Andrea  15, Dos Santos Junior 11, Giombini 1, Giani 2, Bellini, Endres 11, Casoli (L), Garcia 6. Tagliatti, Sangiorgio. Coach: Bagnoli Bruno.

REFEREESI: Roberto Mastrodonato, Massimo Pessolano. NOTES – Crowd 1000, sets lenght: 25′, 26′, 29′; tot: 80′.

VIBO VALENTIA – Three nil for Modena the first match played at the PalaValentia. Cimone played better in the serving and in blocking. Best player of the match: Sartoretti. Stelio De Rocco: “In the first set they attacked us with their strong serve. We have to increase our team game and we have also have to consider that it was the first time we played together. We will get better, I am sure about it.”. Murilo Endres: “It was beautiful to be back in  Vibo Valentia and see my old supporters. We played a good match with really few errors”.


BRE BANCA LANNUTTI CUNEO – MARMI LANZA VERONA 3-1 (18-25, 25-23, 25-23, 26-24)

BRE BANCA LANNUTTI CUNEO: Wijsmans 12, Coscione 1, Rigoni, Lasko 11, Omrcen 10, Vergnaghi (L), Godoy Filho 13, Rabezzana 1, Abbadi 1, Cozzi 9, Oro 5.  Curti. Coach: Prandi Silvano.

MARMI LANZA VERONA: Biribanti 18, Boninfante 2, Birarelli 6, Bernardi 12, Sorcinelli (L), Gato 17, Bontje 8. Rigatelli, Pes, Grassi, Pistovic. Coach: Dagioni Massimo.

REFEREES: Stefano Ippoliti, Giuseppe Caldarola. NOTES – Crowd 2000, income 7400, sets lenght: 21′, 26′, 24′, 27′; tot: 98′.

CUNEO – After a hard match Bre Banca Lannutti Cuneo wins against Marmi Lanza Verona for 3–1. After losing the first set won by the hosted team (18 – 25), Silvano Prandi boys react and especially thanks to the replacements: Oro (5 points in the third set) Abbadi (one crucial ace), and Rabezzana. Mvp of the match Igor Omrcen, still decisive despite some errors. For Marmi Lanza, good match for Biribanti (18) and Gato (17) and of course the eternal Bernardi (12). Discussion in the final of the match: Omrcen attack called out by the whole hosted team but not by the referees that give the point and the match to Cuneo.

Silvano Prandi: “This is the typical match that strong teams are able to win even if the don’t play well. Our opponents studied our game and they have been able to forseen some of our moves like Omrcen fast and  Wijsmans pipe. So we use our replacements that did a good job: Rabezzana, Oro and Abbadi. But I am pretty ahppy about the way we have been able to get out with a Victory. Congratulations to Verona because I am sure they will play a very good season.”


ITAS DIATEC TRENTINO – PRISMA TARANTO 2-3 (26-24, 20-25, 16-25, 25-22, 11-15)

ITAS DIATEC TRENTINO: Heller 10, Hubner 4, Meoni 2, Della Lunga 12, Mescoli, Nascimento 21, Nemec 9, Winiarski 7, Gallotta 5, Bari (L). De Paola, Mlyakov. Coach: Lattari Radames.

PRISMA TARANTO: Vicini (L), Ricciardello, Pavan, De Palma, Castellano 6, Nuti 5, Vulin 7, Felizardo 7, Granvorka 18, Rodrigues 28. Non entrati Sequeira, Patriarca. Coach: Di Pinto Vincenzo.

REFEREES: Giampiero Perri, Stefano Cesare. NOTES – Crowd 2500, income 18000, sets lenght: 33′, 27′, 24′, 27′, 18′; tot: 129′.

TRENTO – Taranto wins at the PalaTrento at tie break but they could have won even 3-1 because they had the match in their hands. Di Pinto’s team showed a better volleball in every part especially in defense and attack; Too many errors for Trento (at the end of the match 25). After a first set won 26-24 after two Winiarski aces, Trento didn’t keep up with Taranto rithim especially with Anderson in some stages unstoppable. Only a Nascimento reaction at the end of the fourth set allows Trento to reach the tiebreak and get at least one point and make the loss less bitter; in the  tie break Taranto closed easilly the match.

Radames Lattari: “For us today it was important to get even also one point and I think that Taranto deserved more than a tiebreak victory. ”

Vincenzo Di Pinto: “A point lost? I prefer to think that we gained two points!”.


MAGGIORA LATINA – SISLEY TREVISO 3-1 (25-23, 23-25, 25-23, 25-20)

MAGGIORA LATINA: Latelli (L), Bendandi, Fortunato 7, Mattera 4, Vissotto Neves 9, Mattioli 4, Grbic 21, Zanuto Iorio 12, Cipollari, Bjelica 12. Cricca, Damaro. Coach: Gulinelli Flavio.

SISLEY TREVISO: Novotny 1, Fei 24, Kovar Jiri, Vermiglio 2, Papi 11, Farina (L), Kral 5, Ahmed 1, Endres 8, Tencati 4, Cisolla 17. Ricci,  Petitoni. Coach: Bagnoli Daniele.

REFEREES: Nicola Castagna, Matteo Cipolla. NOTES – Crowd 1900, income 12000, sets lenght: 22′, 30′, 29′, 30′; tot: 111′.

LATINA – A bad start for Latina, then Zanuto and Vissotto play well and Sisley is not able to get out of the situation or stopping Latina. In the second set Latina flies 16-13. Sisley reacts with Fei and reaches 19-17. Latina made few many errors and Sisley wins the set 23-25. Third set decided by Vissotto and Zanuto, with Grbic that looks 10 years younger.The sets end 25-23 for Latina. Also in the 4th Set Latina plays well and close easilly the set for 25-20.

Flavio Mulinelli: “We have a good group that never gives up… Then our capitain Grbic has been crucial for the victory”.

Daniele Bagnoli: “What can I say about Sisley? Not too much: no reaction or precision but we played against a very strong Latina!”


LUBE BANCA MARCHE MACERATA – M. ROMA VOLLEY 0-3 (21-25, 23-25, 28-30)

LUBE BANCA MARCHE MACERATA: Raymaekers, Paparoni 4, Dennis 9, Santana 11, Sintini 4, Monopoli, Geric 3, Corsano (L), Miljkovic 10, Herpe 4. Cortina, Bartoletti. Coach: De Giorgi Ferdinando.

M. ROMA VOLLEY: Mastrangelo 7, Henno (L), Savani 12, Tofoli, Zaytsev, Molteni 8, Kooistra 21, Semenzato 7. Gatin, Hernandez, Giretto, Romero. Coach: Serniotti Roberto.

REFEREES: Simone Santi, Massimo Menghini. NOTES – Crowd 1800, income 3200, sets lenght: 25′, 28′, 32′; tot: 85′.

MACERATA – La M. Roma wins against the italian champions of Lube Macerata. Roma could not use Osvaldo Hernandez because of a hand injury and played with Tofoli (mvp at the end) setter and Kooistra opposite, that played a good match that played very well for the whole match with 60% in attack  Hard match since the start for Macerata.  Serniotti rplace Tofoli for Zaytsev and the set ends in Roma favour. Macerata reacts in the second set (Monopoli replaces setter Sintini) but it is not able to close against the great blocks and serves or Rome. Also in the third set Rome wins and closes the match 3-

Roberto Serniotti: “We are looking for the the right spirit and we are happy that we found it since game one. A victory for everyone!” ”.


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