Play Off Serie A1 TIM, Finals. Sisley Treviso wins 0-3 against Lube Banca Macerata in Osimo and goes ahead in the series 2-1 <br>


LUBE BANCA MARCHE MACERATA – SISLEY TREVISO 0-3 (21-25, 15-25, 21-25) <br>
LUBE BANCA MARCHE MACERATA: Paparoni 1, Mistoco, Dennis 7, Santana 9, Sintini, Monopoli, Geric 9, Corsano (L), Miljkovic 11, Herpe 3, Ravellino, Gemmi. Coach: De Giorgi Ferdinando. <br>
SISLEY TREVISO: Fei 17, Vermiglio 2, Papi 5, Farina (L), Carletti 1, Endres 12, Tencati 5, Cisolla 14, Bartoletti, Kral, Capra, Casoli. All. Bagnoli Daniele <br>
REFEREES: Gianni Bartolini, Paolo Lavorenti <br>
NOTES – Crowd 4000, Revenue 19000, sets lenght: 25′, 23′, 24′; tot: 72′ <br>
OSIMO – Sisley Treviso is again ahead in the Title Finals Series after defeating 3-0 in Game 3 Lube Banca Marche Macerata in Osimo.  <br>
Bagnoli team plays a perfect match: 55% in attack, 14 blocks vs 8 (6 by Gustavo),  an almost perfect passing. Furthermore a very ispired Vermiglio (MVP of the match) helped a lot the team. Game 4 is scheduled on Thurday night at the PalaVerde where Treviso will play the first crucial match to conquer its 9th history title. 

Game 3 has been almost like Game 1. Macerata success in Game 2 gave some hope to whom wants the Sisley kingdom to be over. <br>
Treviso score the first break with Fei serves (13-9). His block is always very strong with the a little weak Macerata attack. At the second time out the score is 16-11. Macerata fought back with a Dennis ace and a Milijkovic blok and reaches 17-18. Bagnoli replaces Vermiglio with Carletti and the set turns again in Sisley favour that close it 25-21 with Gustavo scoring the last two points (67% in the set).
Bad Macerata start also in the second set. And Treviso do not let Macerata play. But the set is clearly in Treviso’s hands from the beginning to the end. 7-16 afer the second time out and 23-10 after a Fei attack. Macerata shows a little bit of pride reaction so that the set ends with a more decent score 25-15
. <br>
Sisley superiority is clear also in the third set even if Macerata did try to react at the Treviso supremacy.
 Sintini is always in trouble, Milijkovic is not the same of Game 2 and basically none is able to damage Treviso’s game. Lube Banca Marche is always trying to recover but at the end also the third set ends 21-25 for Treviso.

Game 4 on Thursday at the Treviso Palaverde (live on , SKY Sport 3 at 8.30PM). <br>
Mirko Corsano (libero Macerata): “Macerata was more worried about what was wrong rather than foucs of what was necessary to be done. Treviso played very well. I am sorry for the crowd  but on Thursday we will go to Treviso to win.
Ferdinando De Giorgi (Macerata coach): “We didn’t know what to do. Nothing was going how it was supposed to go. And we thought we were ready for the match. Treviso plays its part but we were complietely out. For the next  match I rather prefer to think to simple things…”. <br>
Daniele Bagnoli (Treviso coach): “This has probably been our best match of the season and it did come after a bad defeat. We had only few days to recover phisically and psicologically. After Game 2, we set as main goal to not let us thinking too much about our mistakes. Less tactics more team psicology. but I didn’t imagine it could change things that much. That is because of the boys.”.<br>