Premier Hotels Crema: An amazing Premier Hotels wins game 2 against Taviano in front of an outstanding crowd and it is now ready to play the crucial game 3 scheduled on Sunday in Crema.
Great start for the Blues ahead 8-4 after the first time out. At the second time out Crema is ahead 16-9 and this virtually gives the first set to Crema that wins it for 25-19.
Same music in the second set. Crema goes immidiately 3 points ahead. After the second time out the score is still clearly in favour of Crema ahead 16-10. So also the second set ends easilly for Crema able to win it 25-20.
In the third set Crema is waiting for Taviano reaction but Taviano never gives the impression of being able to turn the game in its favour. Crema keeps playing very well and close the set and the match 25-17.
Coach Luca Monti said: “We dominated the game by all meanings. We put a lot of pression on them since the beginning and they’ve never been able to play as they know. A big thanks to the amazing Crema’s crowd and of course to the boys.”

25-19 25-20 25-17
Sets lenght: 23’ 24’ 19’

PREMIER HOTELS CREMA – Cazzaniga11 , Cetrullo ne, Ergeste 6, Crosatti 0, Finazzi 8, Caprotti (L), Mozzana ne, Travica 2, Jankovic 9, Burgsthaler, Yoko 10, Canzanella 0. Coach: Luca Monti.
Serves errors 17, Aces 3, Blocks 5

SALENTO D’AMARE TAVIANO – Rodrigues 14, Popp 6, Pesenti (L), Pierini 0, Postiglioni 3, Fiore 0, Paolucci 0, La Forgia 0, Cosi 0, Belardi 6, Ereu 4.
Coach: Flavio Gulinelli.
Serve errors 16, Aces 3, Blocks 4

Refereesi: Balboni Gabriele and Cerquoni Marco

Andrea Mombelli
Press Office Premier Hotels Crema