Esse-Ti Carilo Loreto: Esse-ti Carilo Loreto starts the Play-Off adventure in the best possible way by winning game 1 against Mercatone Uno Pineto for 3-0.
In the first set Esse-ti Carilo starts very well and after the first time out Loreto was ahead 8-3 and after the second time out 16-17. So the set is easilly won for 25-15
In the second set Pineto made less errors but Esse-ti Carilo keeps leading the match and, after the second time out the score is 16-11. Pineto keeps fighting but the set goes to Loreto for 25-23.
Also the third set is always in Loreto hands and it is closed with the score of 25-21.

Esse-ti Carilo Loreto-Mercatone Uno Pineto: 3-0 (25-15, 25-23, 25-21)

Esse-ti Carilo: Mattera 4, Peda 18, Pavan 6, Spairani 8, Rinoldo 7, Durante 6, Susio L, Gatto 0. NE Chocholak, Biagiola, Pecorari, Trevisan. Coach: Giuliani.
Mercantone Uno Pineto: Henrique 0, Shittu 19, Birarelli 7, Sborgia 7, Luna 10, Baldasseroni 2, Fenili L, Mancini 2, Jacobsen 0. NE Di Meo, Sottocorona. Coach: Chiovini.

Loreto: serves errors 10, aces 3, blocks 8, attack errors 2.
Pineto: serves errors 15, aces 1, blocks 4, attack errors 9.