Mercatone Uno Pineto: Pineto lost 3-0 his first play off match against Esse-ti Carilo Loreto.
Very bad day for Pineto since the beginning of the match where the team looked very nervous. No story in the first set won by Loreto 25-15. More fight in the second set but at the end also this set has been won by Loreto for 25-23.
Pineto reaction seems to arrive in the third set. After the first time out the team was ahead 5-8. But once again Loreto reacted strongly and after the second time out the score was 16-13. So the set ended 25-21 and the match 3-0 for Loreto.
Game 2 is scheduled for Sunday 23 April.

Luca Prosperi, Mattia Bosica
Press Office
Pallavolo Pineto