RPA Caffè Maxim Perugia: PIACENZA-PERUGIA 2-3
COPRA BERNI PIACENZA: Grbic 5, Simeonov 8, Cardona 6, Bovolenta 13, Marshall 27, Bravo 13: Sergio (L), Zlatanov 7, Decio 4, Cavallini 1. Coach. Dall’Olio
RPA CAFFE’ MAXIM PERUGIA: Tofoli 2, Hernandez 19, Lebl 18, Di Franco 5, Swiderski 21, Vujevic 11; Messana (L), De La Fuente 2, Zaytsev, Barbone 1. Ne Novotny. Coach. Caponeri
REFEREES: Cammera e Coppola

SETS: 31-29; 19-25; 20-25; 25-20; 11-15
SET LENGHT : 30′, 22′, 21′, 22′, 15′, total match 1 hour and 50′
POINTSI: Perugia 79 over 114 (acesi 7, winning blocks 15, serving errors 15; perfect passing 46%, positive 57%, attack 48%); Piacenza 84 over 106 (acesi 8, winning blocks 7, serving errors 18; perfect passing 56%, positive 66%, attack 49%)

Perugia wins its frist tie break of the season, 3-2 against Piacenza and conquers the 8th postion of the standing. At two matches from the end of the regular season Perugia is now 2 points ahead from Vibo.
“The important thing was to make points” – coach Caponeri says – “the other results are good but what really matters for us has been winning the first of the three “finals”. Today we cacth the play-off train, now we need to stay on board.”
First set with Piacenza ahead 22-17 but Perugia, thanks to Osvaldo Hernandez, doesn’t give up (24-24), but at the end the set is for the locals 31-29
Second set clearly for Perugia that from 4-3 starts to play really well especially with Swiderski and Lebl and close the set for 19-25.
Despite Marshall tries his very best to keep Piacenza up, Rpa Caffè Maxim is still playing amazingly and close also the 3rd set for 20-25. Perugia is attacking really strongly and closes the set with 67% in attack.
Fourth set is a struggle: Piacenza is dominating but Perugia is still close to the locals. At the end Piacenza is able to reach the tie-break (25-20). But the tie break, for the first time in this season in for Perugia who wins 15-11.

Eleonora Cozzari
Press Office
Perugia Volley