Marmi Lanza Verona: The Club BluVolley Verona officially confirmed aussie Daniel Howard until season 2008-09. Contract has been signed this morning between the player and President Cesare Albertini.
Daniel Howard, Marmi Lanza Verona capitain for the last two seasons, has already played for Verona 108 times (419 sets and 1146 points scored)
Howard confirmation represents and important piece towards the building of a new and competitive team for next season.
“I am very happy to keep playing for Verona in the next season. I accepted because I am confident che we can play another great championship, full of success like the ones played in the last two years. It will be a very interesting challenge, a new championship with a new team that will try to repeat the last years”
Massimo Dagioni will coach Howard again after the experience they had together when Daniel played for Asystel Milano.
Last Howard thought goes to the City: “Here in Verona I had a wonderful time in the past four years. It is such a great city and people have always been nice and kind with me. I also had a beautiful relationship with the Club where I had the chance to improve my game and my volleyball. Let’s hope to keep on rolling”

Gian Paolo Zaffani
Press Office