Fiorese Bassano: just few days before the Fiorese Spa Bassano season will officially begin.
Preparation will start on monday the 7th of August.
Caoch Dario Simoni is ready to go. He came from two seasons in Serie A1 with Gabeca Montichiari. He declared: “I just can’t wait to start. I have very good feelings about this new adventure. The team is competitive and I am sure that we will fight for the first positions of the standing! Most of the boys have been played together in Serie A2 for years and this is very important to find immidiately a good team spirit! Our sales campaing brought to Bassano 4 new players: Moro and Carletti come from Serie A1 and will give a big support. Now we have to work phisically and technically. We will also have at our disposal four players coming from the young teams. They will help us a lot to imporve our trainning level!”
Let’s have a look at the championship now: first match at home against Spoleto then the big challenge away from home versus Pineto, then two matches at home aganst Bari and Isernia.

Press Office
Bassano Volley
Mauro Sabino