Materdomini Volley.It Castellana Grotte: Back to success for the gialloblu pugliesi and consolidation of their position in the standing and to keep having a chance to get a spot in A1.
The home team starts with Lamoise and capitain De Mori as middle blockers, Mania spiker, Serafini as libero and Blkuowsky on the bench “to look for motivation” (Coach will say after the match)
D’Onghia boys starts really well, De Mori block and Nuzzo & Lo Re spikes send Castellana Grotte ahead 8-4.
After the first time out Ancona tries to get back in the game with the serves and gaing some points but Mater is still ahead. On 22-21 a serving mistake and a Lo Re block close the set 25-21. Second set to forget for the pugliesi with a break, thanks also to the entry of Bakumowski, of 1-8. This initial break allows Ancona to keep the advantage and to close it in its favour.
Third set sees Mater back on track with Libraro efficient spikes and block/defense finally working properly. Ancona doesn’t surrender and at the second time out the score is 15-16. A De Mori block keep the score tight to 21-21 but two mistakes sends the hosted team ahead 21-23. But D’Onghia time out clear up Mater game and thanks to De Mori and Nuzzo the set is over for 25-23. 4th set is just like the second but this time is Mater to dominate the game. So the game is fastly over. 3-1 for Mater. Mr D’Onghia is satisfied of the result but not of the performance; but starting from tomorrow it’s time to prepare the derby with Gioa Del Colle. A complete different story.

Press Office
Pier Paolo Lorizio