Materdomini Volley.It Castellana Grotte: Marco Fabroni is the new Materdonini Castellana Grotte setter. So the Club has now bought what will probably be the next season starting six. The team should be able also next year to live the season as protagonist.
Grew-up in Macerata, the 25 yo setter played with Perugia in 2002. In 2003 in Cagliari where he stays two years until the team got promoted in Serie A1. Last year he played with Gioia del Colle and reach the Serie A2 Play off finals.
Cresciuto a Macerata il venticinquenne palleggiatore marchigiano ha vestito
The Club also renew the contract with De Mori.


* Born: Ancona (AN) – 4/8/1981 ITA
* Role: Setter
* Height: 190 cm

1997/1998 Macerata C
1998/1999 Macerata B/2
1999/2000 Macerata A/1
2000/2001 Osimo B/1

2001/2002 Perugia A/2
2002/2003 Perugia A/1
2003/2005 Cagliari A/2
2004/2005 Gioia del Colle A/2

Press Office
Pier Paolo Lorizio