Codyeco S.Croce: Tiscali Cagliari: Torre 3, Stokr 11, Nemec 5, Brikmann 3, Soto 20, Gallotta 7, Rigoni (libero), Barbareschi 3, Ardu, Mascia, Moretti n.e, Scili n.e. coach: Dagioni

Codyeco Lupi Santa Croce: Dehne 1, Falasca 11, Held 9, Wallace 12, Idi 12, Cantagalli 12, Pieri (libero), Tomalino, Kovacevic, Guemart n.e, Cei n.e, Corsini n.e. coach: Zanini.

Set lenght: 23-25 in 28′, 21-25 in 27′, 20-25 in 25′.

Serves Errors Tiscali 10 Aces 1
Serves Errors Codyeco 8 Aces 6

Referees: Sanpaolo e Pasquali

Crowd: 2800

After the bad match played last week against Trento, Codyeco wins 3-0 the salvation match versus Cagliari.
Three golden points that give a lot of more chances of salvation for the Conciari.
At the PlalaRockfeller Santa Croce starts with the usual team inlcuding Falasca e Cantagalli, despite their phisical problems. The first set sees Cagliari alwasys ahead but with Codyeco right behind until the 20-20. A Dehne winning block give the mini break, enogh to close the set 23-25.
Codyeco is playing well and, in the second set, they increase the game rithim. Cantagalli and Idi seems inspired and after the second time out Codyeco scores a break and close also the second set in its favour.
Tiscali Cagliari is in big trouble and the third set is very easy for Codyeco. The “Lupi”, especially with Wallace and Falasca, close the set and the match.
“Bazzoka” Cantagalli got the MVP reward.
Now club and supportersa are waiting for the monday night event to see Padova result and take the proper conclusion

Andrea Costanzo
Press office Codyeco Lupi Santa Croce