Itas Diatec Trentino:
Itas Diatec Trentino wins 3 – 1 with Tonno Callipo Vibo Valentia and conquers the sixth position, and make a crucial step towards the play off.
The match, live on SKY Sport 2, had a crowd of 3600 people. Itas Diatec started as usually with Meoni setter, Nascimento opposite, Millar and Heller, Savani and Morsut, with Bari as libero.
Trento starts not too well in the first set and the score goes to 1-6. This breack will be kept until the very end, especially thanks to Lasko and Murilo, and Vibo wins the set 21-25.
The music changes in the other sets. In the second set, despite Vibo tries Pascual instead of Rosalba, Itas plays with great spirit and with the help of an amazing crowd and close the set 25-17, thanks to Nascimento and Savani attacks.
Trento grows also in its block, 7 versus only 1 by Vibo in the second set. In the third set Itas wins 25-22 but the set has been very tight until the 23-22 where, a Sottile serve error and a Savani winning block allows Trento to win the second set. Trento closes the set with 78% in attack with Savani closing with 5 points, 100% for Heller and Morsut. In the fourth set Itas Trentino is literally the master of the field and the score 25-16 can confirm it. Savani scores 7 points (88%), Nascimento 83%. Trento was asked to do a great match and they did it. They won and convinced.
During the game there has also been the Game Silver Cross who rewarded Andrè Nascimento as most fighting player while Crisitian Savan has rewarded as MVP


ITAS DIATEC TRENTINO: Millar 8, Savani 25, Heller 4, Kooistra, Meoni 2, Della Lunga 1, Nascimento 19, Morsut 5, Bari (L). N.e. Mescoli, Cuminetti, Baranek. coach: Lattari Radamès.

TONNO CALLIPO VIBO VALENTIA: Pascual 5, Serafini, Sottile 2, Lasko 18, Ferraro (L), Rosalba 1, Felizardo 6, Piccioni 2, Endres 15, Bontje 6. N.e. Raymaekers, Sirri. coach: Santilli Roberto.

Referees: Nicola Castagna e Matteo Cipolla.

NOTES – Crowd 3300, revenue 22000, sets lenght: 25′, 26′, 25′, 24′; tot: 100′.

MVP: Cristian Savani.