Sets’ Score and lenght: 21-25 (26′), 25-22 (26′) 17-25 (23′), 25-17 (25′), 14-16 (18′).
Notes: S.E.C. Isernia: be 18, bv 8 – Salento d’amare Taviano: be 25, bv 4.
Referees: Lorenzo De Caroli from Firenze and Gianmarco Modi from Firenze

S.E.C. ISERNIA – Costantini 5, Maresca 0, Di Marco 1, Longobardi 0, Cricca 7, Rosso 15, Gatto (L). Pinelli, Suglia didn’t play. Spescha 19, Batte 17, Alderman 1. Coach: Giuseppe Lorizio.
SALENTO D’AMARE TAVIANO – Rodrigues 24, Popp 14, Pesenti (L), Crisostomo didn’t play, Pierini 0, Postiglioni 4, Fiore 2, Paolucci 3, La Forgia 0, Cosi 0, Belardi 9, Ereu 17. Coach: Flavio Gulinelli.

Teo important scores to go on thinking to the playoffs for Salento d’amare Taviano, which as in the first half defeated Isernia at the tie-break.
Next week they will dispute the Final Four in Casarano, which will start with the semifinal Taviano-Loreto.