After the victory in Genova Corigliano is training hard to prepare the delicate match against the second-ranked Crema, which will be disputed on March the 5th. Next Sunday the team will have a break due to the Tim Cup Serie A2 Final Four.
“For us this break is coming in a good moment -the coach says- we will have more time to train and to let some athltes fully recover”.
About the victory in Genova, Preti says: “Genova was a good proof. A opponent that did its best to win, for they must score to keep category. They had won last match and they were playing on their own court; that they would have played good was obvious. For what concerns us -he goes on- we played a good match: we still had some incertitueds after the defeat against Isernia. But we were determined and concentrated. We really wanted to win in Genova not to get too far from the ‘hot’ zone, because the next matches we will face will all be delicate. Anyhow we play one match at time, beginning from the next with Crema, which is coming out as the second championship’s force”.
About the playoffs he avoids bad luck: “Against Crema we will try to play good, the rest will come. We have many motivations, first the one of playing against the second-ranked. Then we want to play good for in this 2006 we still haven’t won on our court, we want to give this emotion to our supporters”.