Abasan Bari: Coach Lorizio did ask during the week to his boys to be able to get at least one point to keep up with the nice victory of last week against Spoleto. Matheus and teammates answered beyon coach exceptations and, at the end of a five sets batttle, Abasan Bari has been able to come back home with a victory obtained at the very difficult court of PalaSantaMaria in Pineto. Now Bari has obtained two very important points that allows the team to leave the bottom of the standing.
“It has been the victory of the group” is what coach Lorizio said at the end of the match – “The boys helped each other especially in the most delicate In the next round another match away from home for Matheus and teammates, that will go in Loreto to play against EsseTi Carilo Loreto. But now Bari has started to believe it.

Here after the score of the match:

FRAMASIL CUCINE PINETO – ABASAN BARI 2 – 3 (25-23; 18-25; 25-20; 21-25; 7-15)

FRAMASIL CUCINE PINETO: Guidone n.e., Medori, Leone n.e., Mancini, Ronaldo 4, Sborgia 18, Beltran 3, Russo 16, Bergamo 5, Cacchiarelli (L), Zago 16, Baldasseroni 9.
Coach: Fracascia

ABASAN BARI: Matheus 25, Joao Paulo 6, Astolfi 6, Enoch 21, Valente 14, Viva (L), Gallotta, Capra, Coscione, Minafra, Battilotti 11, Saccardi.
Coach: Lorizio

Referees: Cappello-Tanasi

Serves errors 10, aces 2

Serves errors 14, aces 5

Sets lenght: 26’, 25’, 27’, 29’, 13’

Roberto Colella, press office Abasan Bari
Cell. 329-7451774; e-mail: roberto.colella@barivolley.com