S.E.C. Isernia:
Great pride performance for SEC Isernia Volley at the PalaRota of Spoleto. Coach Chiovini boys win 3 – 0 with a great team performance and showing a great determination.

SEC Isernia starts the match with: Scappaticcio-Rosso stter-opposite, spikers Axè and Argilagos, middleblockersCostantini and Shumov and Gatto libero. Coach Tardioli answered with Giulinai setter, oppoiste Cocholak, Perez and Medenis spikersi, Moretti and Salgado middleblockers and Pagotto libero.

After the victoy SEC can eventually breath, with coach Chiovini happy for his boys: “I am so happy for my boys, it is a beautiful satisfaction after a negative moment, most of all because a victory away from home worth more. This victory gives us confidence in our means, and without doubt it is a good starting point to keep playing well and improve our performances every day”

Press Office and the boys would like to dedicate this victory to president Vitullo that today can celebrate in the best way his birthday.

Anna Palermo
Comunication Area