His name is Daniel Primus, he’s a 30 years real estate agent from London and since Sydney 2000 is a huge fan of Ivan Miljkovic. When Ivan arrived in Macerata, Danny has obviusly started to support Lube Banca Marche. In his spare time Danny is the coach of female volleyball team in London called “Swiss Cottage Volley Club”. Danny follows all the news from Internet and he’s alo taking italian lesson to understand everything written in our website. A couple of days ago, he has been able to fulfill his dream: he catched a flight with his girlfriend and arrived in Macerata. He took pictures with the players, he did a lot of shopping of our Macerata gadgets and then he has watched the match. Everything went really well also because Lube won. After he went back to London he wrote us a thanking email with a promise: come back to Italy if Lube will go very far at the playoff. Let’s hope to see you and hug you again soon Danny!!