RPA-LuigiBacchi.it Perugia: RPA-LUIGIBACCHI.IT PERUGIA: Sottile 2, Stokr 19, Lebl 6, Di Franco 7, Saraceni 7, Lipparini 9; Pippi (L), Bucaioni 1. N.e. Braga, Gradi. Coach. Zanini
M. ROMA VOLLEY: Tofoli 1, Hernandez 18, Zaytsev, Giretto 8, Romero 9, Molteni 13; Henno (L). Coach: Serniotti
SETS: 25-21; 19-25; 21-25
SETS LENGHT: 25′, 24′, 27′

MARSCIANO – It ended 2-1 for Rome the first RPA-LuigiBacchi.it friendly match. The match has been stopped to avoid further problems to Lebl and Hernandez. The two teams decided that it was not worth to risk the condition of the two players.
First set for Perugia thanks to Lipparini, Sottile and Stokr. In the second set Perugia didn’t pass well and Rome closes the set 25-19. On the third set Bucaioni replaced Lebl because of a knee pain. Too many mistakes in attack for Perugia and Rome closes 25-21.
Coach Zanini said: “I noticed a lot of positive things like defense and attitude. That is where we have to start from. Fisically we are not ready but that is pretty normal at this stage. I liked the first set not only because we won it but because we didn’t make too many mistakes like in the second an in the third. We were also pretty tired. Anyway I’ve seen the things I was waiting for to see.”

The friendly match scheduled on Monday between Perugia and Macerata has been cancelled. Next match scheduled on the 25th against S. Croce.

Eleonora Cozzari
Press Office
Perugia Volley