Acqua Paradiso Gabeca Montichiari: Here is the first interview of new Montichiari middleblocker Marcello Forni:

Are you happy about the new three years contract?
Yes! A lot! I must say though, that if they asked me to sign this contract few months ago, I would have not believed it because I had a great time in Modena, Then Julio resigned and I started to have some problems and consdier this opportunity.

Besides Velasco, you will also find an old teammate Simone Tiberti.
Yes and I am very happy about it. Velasco is a great coach. He has always been interested in me. He knows me very well.
I played two seasons with Simone and we won the championship both times and got promoted in A1. We are two fighters!

What did convince you to sign the contract with Acqua Paradiso Gabeca?
I must confess that mainly for the great interest that the Club showed towards me. Then the fact to still have Velasco as coach.

How is your recovery from the shoulder injury?
Pretty well. I am very confident, because doctors assured me that the recovery will be total. I will start to intensify the trainnings in September and I should be able to play as usual and be at the topin October.

Alberto Pellini
Francesca Treccani
Comunication Office
Acqua Paradiso Montichiari
Tel. 030.9964670
Cell. 320.8537230

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