RPA-LuigiBacchi.it Perugia:
RPA-LUIGIBACCHI.IT PERUGIA: Sottile, Stokr 13, Lebl 11, Di Franco 6, Swiderski 9, Vujevic 11; Pippi (L), Braga, Saraceni 3, Lipparini 1, Bucaioni. Ne Gradi.
Coach: Zanini

COPRA BERNI PIACENZA: Grbic 6, Simeonov 16, Zlatanov 18, Marshall 20, Cozzi 6, Bovolenta 9; Sergio (L).
Coach: Dall’Olio

REFEREES: Cipolla and Castagna

SETS: 25-12, 22-25, 25-14, 27-25

SETS LENGHT: 19′, 26′, 19′, 25′, total 1h and 32′

Perugia: 5 aces, 4 blocks, 14 serve errors; 51% perfect passing, 66% positive, 45% attack

Piacenza: aces 3, blocks 15, serve errors 16; pefect pasing 56%, positive 78%, attack 62%

Bad start after the stop for RPA-LuigiBacchi.it that in Piacenza came out with a 3-1 loss and got passed in the standing by Piacenza. Everyone knows that it would have been a difficult match but Perugia made an unsual high numbers of errors.
First set played badly in all the part of the game. An embarasing 29% in attack 29% and a final score of 25-12. In the second set RPA-LuigiBacchi.it reacts and wins the set 25-22 by fighting and reopening the match. At the end Saraceni replaces Swiderski and the roman spiker stays in the court also for the third set. But Perugia goes back to play realy badly. Piacenza ends the set with 75% in attack. Swiderski is back in fourth set but it is too late. Piacenza flies and closes the match 3-1.

Eleonora Cozzari
Press Office
Perugia Volley