Esse-Ti Carilo Loreto: Esse-ti Carilo Loreto, eight position of the standing with 43 points, is ready to host Monini Spoleto next sunday at the PalaSerenelli at 6.00PM
Even if Spoleto has only 29 points the team is in good condition and came from a positive strip of 3 victories against Pineto, Ancona and Genova.
Loreto on the other hands is still without Gabriel Chocholak for a twisted ankle.
So Esse-Ti Carillo will arrive next sunday not at its best condition but determination and will of winning of Giuliani boys are going to be there.
Furthermore, next sunday Loreto can use also a new player: brazilian spiker Dante Elias Trevisan. Born in 1981 in Bento Goncalves, Trevisan has arrived in Italy on the 16th of March and since yesterday has been officialy accepted by the Italian Volley Federation and so will be part of the team next sunday with jersey number 9.
Giuliani has now different possibilities for the first six: Mattera setter, Spairani and Pavan middleblocker, Susio libero. Opposite player could be Pecorari or Peda. Durante and Rinoldo could be spikers… and Trevisan could already be part of the team.