Edilesse Cavriago: An unexepted debut for Cavriago that with a 3-1 victory conquered its first 3 points of the Championship. The victory will play a very good role for Claudio Benedetti boys that will get more confidence out of that. An historical moment for Reggio Emilia that after 13 years is back in the Serie A. Brazilian Rodrigo Gil carried the team to the victory with 33 points scored. So a great beginning of the Cavriago Serie A2 adventure that his week is already thinking at the match away from home against Cagliari.

Here after the scouts:

Setsi: 23-25, 25-19, 25-23, 25-21
Sets lenght: 27′, 25′, 29′, 28′, total 109 min.
Notes: Serves errors: Cavriago 16 – Taviano 13; aces: Cavriago 3 – Taviano 2.

EDILESSE CAVRIAGO – Luppi 10, Giumelli 1, Reggio, Cerofolini ne, Stagni 3, Bassoli, Armeti 7, Speringo ne, Rodrigues 33, Kirchein 17, Peli (L). Coaches: Claudio Benedetti -Alessandro Lancetti.
SALENTO D’AMARE TAVIANO – Liefke 16, Tomassetti 3, De Giorgi 1, Passaro ne, Lorenzi 2, Zanette 4, De Pandis (L), Belardi 8, Ereu 17, Dante 7. Coach: Masciarelli.

Referees: Lorenzo De Caroli-Gianmarco Modi.