Framasil Cucine Pineto: Framasil Cucine is getting ready for the mathc against Cavriago. Coach Fracascia will surely cannot count on opposite Alexander Bergamo still injured. Still in doubt also spiker Simone Baldasseroni. The decision will be taken tomorrow in Cavriago.

Cavriago has two very strong brazilian players, one coming from Serie A1 (Gil, ex Padova), and the other, Kirchein, very dangerous in attack. Edilesses has also recently hired setter Riccardo Modica, born in 73, to replace injured setter Giumelli.

Pineto should start the match wtih: Ronaldo setter, Beltran opposite, Russo and Sborgia middleblockers, Zago and Baldasseroni spikers. If Simone Baldasseroni can’t play Marco Mancini and Fabio Leone are ready to replace him.

Referees of the match: Trevisan and Rusalen.